Finishing details are all that's left for Jeremy's Rain Vessels installation that we are working on at this year's Del Mar Faire. The exhibit is part of the new Container Garden category and will feature two ceramic Rain Vessels, pottery from Courtyard Pottery and pavers from RCP Block in Encinitas and is featured at the entry to Alvarado House, a historic building preserved at the Fairgrounds.
Join us tomorrow in Birdrock as the Surfrider Foundation hosts their first OFG Garden Assistance Workday where a member's lawn will be replaced with a native garden designed by Jeremy and volunteers will learn more about Ocean Friendly Gardens and how to design and install your own! Garden Assistance Program: June 6th
The event is open to any and all who are interested so stop by at 5560 Chelsea Ave, La Jolla, CA 92037 10 a.m - 4p.m.
Now, back to the drafting board!!